Neal Shah

After looking for ways to become more involved in the Middlesex community, Neal has decided to run for Senator in 2023 for New Jersey district 18. His motivation revolves around meaningful change, new ideas and a more responsible vision. As a father of two children in the public schools, who he helped navigate through the pandemic, Neal has seen firsthand many aspects within the area that can be improved upon for our families, including a rise in taxes, but no perceivable increase in quality of life .  Also, with many residents transitioning from commuters to more of a stay at home lifestyle, this has created new demands on the infrastructure. It has become more important than ever to elect leadership who can appropriately respond to the evolving needs of our district.

Neal will use an inclusive approach and will work tirelessly to listen to the needs of business owners and the residents, while maintaining the charm that has attracted us all to the different areas of Middlesex county.  Politics and personal agendas will never replace the people first mentality he intends to implement when elected.